Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I gave up Candy Crush and ended up with far more than I asked for

I honestly never thought about Lent for most of my life. The church I attended never talked much about it. But I'll never look at it the same after this season. 

The early English meaning for Lent is "Lengthen." Daylight lengthens as we reset our clocks. 

Lent reflects on the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, before His three years of ministry, death and resurrection. He went without food, was tempted and strengthened by His Father. 

Lent is a time to slow down, stretch out and grow spiritually. To rest in the presence of God, rather than force the pace. Not that we shouldn't do this all year round, as we should. 

If you follow Lent, you give things up. Something we feel we can't do without. This sounds laughable now, but I gave up Candy Crush. 

Early this spring in a women's study, we were asked to give up something. It was kind of a "Lent". 

Then the virus happened. Quarantine happened. Lent was basically forced upon us. Days have definitely lengthened! March seemed to be an eternity. 

We've been forced to give up things we wouldn't have volunteered, surrendered before. We've been stripped down to the bare necessities. Even control has been taken away from us. 

I've been forced to slow down. I've had to do without luxuries I've enjoyed before. I've been close to tears many times. 

Nevertheless, this Lent season has changed me. For the better. I probably won't be the same afterward. I've prayed more, leaned more on Jesus. I've been present more, which ironically is why I gave up Candy Crush. 

I've been stretched. But like a muscle, stretching is good and needful to grow and be stronger. It can be uncomfortable and painful, but in the end my faith is stronger. I've drawn closer to Jesus. The unnecessary weights have been removed. 

Eventually Lent will be over and hopefully normal life will resume. But I don't want this season to be a waste. I pray the Lord uses this time to grow me and change me. 

After Jesus' time in the wilderness, it says He returned to Galilee in "the power of the Spirit." Luke 4:14 

It's my prayer that when I walk out of this wilderness/Lent season: that I will be more tender to the Spirit's leading 
that I hear His voice more clearly
that I be more effective in however He uses me
that I have pure motives

So many more I could list. So thankful for His faithfulness to me, His servant.