Caleb, Othiniel, and Acsah are three family members who simply believed what God promised; that He would give them every place wherever they set their feet. They refused to stand on the sidelines; these three pursued after their inheritance.
Caleb was eighty five years old when he stood in front of Joshua and proclaimed, “I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day…The Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said.”
Caleb witnessed what happens when people give in to fear. He and Joshua were the only ones who stood strong in front of the wavering Israelite spies and dared to believe God’s promise. His inheritance delayed for forty years, he wandered in the wilderness watching his people die one by one. Nevertheless he never forgot God’s promise. He conquered the land promised and settled there.
Caleb refused to allow fear and unbelief to keep him from possessing what was his. Is it any wonder he would be kind of picky about who would marry his daughter Acsah? He desired a son-in-law with a passion to match. So he put up a challenge. “I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the man who attacks and captures Debir.”
Othiniel took up the challenge, captured the city and married Acsah. Later God anointed him powerfully to be a judge over Israel forty years.
How can Acsah remain apathetic with such a Father and Husband as Caleb and Othiniel? Their passion for God spilled over into her life. Her heart is revealed in just a few verses.
Her inheritance included land in the Negev, which is a dry wilderness land. Acsah desired more than just her inheritance. She urged her husband to ask Caleb for more. Apparently Othiniel felt it wasn’t his place to do so. So Acsah went herself and sought out her Father.
“Do me a special favor, since you have given me land in the Negev, give me also springs of water.” Joshua 15:9
Acsah didn’t allow Othiniel’s hesitation to deter her. She was determined to go after what she needed. She could have given in to doubts. Perhaps she should settle for what she had. After all wasn’t this a bit audacious? Wouldn’t her Father be awfully put out by her request? Nevertheless she approached Caleb without any reservations.
Doubts, fear, and unbelief can loom large. For too many years I’ve allowed them to dictate my actions. I’ve settled for less; hesitated taking a step into my inheritance. I’ve faltered at the giants and fortified cities. I hate to admit it, but I was slow to apprehend the truth. I look back now and wonder why? How could I give in to my insecurities? Why did I wait so long? Yet to flog myself over past failures is a waste of time and energy. Like Acsah I yearn for more and I desire to aggressively pursue my God, regardless of my insecurities and what people do or don’t do.
I want to be a bold, confident woman like her. I desire to walk in my inheritance.
Because of her boldness, Caleb generously gave her the upper and lower springs. He gave her more than she asked for. If such an earthly Father could give this way, “How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him?” Matthew 7:11
This pursuing of God’s promises is what made Acsah a perfect model of what it means to be a confident woman of God. She wasn’t satisfied with anything less. Are you settling for less?
Are you aware of what is your inheritance through Jesus? Do you know who you are in Christ?
Ephesians 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are YES in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:20
This is your inheritance:
In Christ, I am a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
In Christ, there is no condemnation. Romans 8:1
I am a conqueror through Christ. Romans 8:37
I can do everything because Christ strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
I stand firm in Christ, He anointed me. 2 Corinthians 1:21
I have redemption and forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1:7
I am God’s workmanship; created to do good works. Ephesians 2:10
I can approach God with freedom and confidence; my prayers are effective. Ephesians 3:12
I am a daughter of the Most High God and an heir. Galatians 4:7
Dear sister, do you walk in your inheritance? It’s one thing to believe it, another to pursue after it. A bold, confident woman such as Acsah is terrifying to the enemy. Why do you think he works so hard to deceive you? Sometimes you have to fight to apprehend the truth. It’s easier to remain in the wilderness because it’s less risky. In the Old Testament, not to desire the land or fight for it was to doubt God’s faithfulness.
Not all the Israelites fought for the land promised. An incident in Joshua 18 brings this to light. It says in verse 2 that the country was brought under their control, but there were still seven tribes who had not yet received their inheritance. I can feel the frustration in Joshua’s voice as he asks, “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?”
I ask you the same question: How long will you wait till you believe the promises and take possession of what is yours? It is time to push aside anything that would cause us to waver in our pursuit. It is time to shut our ears to the enemy’s deceiving voice and confess the truth of our identity. Beloved, take what belongs to you and never be content.
I know what I am speaking of. Many times I have let down my guard and eased back, instead of fighting for what is mine. Before long I am in a dark pit; a result of believing the lies of the enemy. My Jesus asks, “Why are you putting yourself down? Why are you settling for less?” It is then that I raise my powerful weapons and I speak the truth. I step into my inheritance and push back the enemy.
I am certain more than ever that a Divine aggressiveness is needed. If I am not pursuing after my God, if I am not fighting for the truth, I am missing out on my inheritance. Thankfully the Holy Spirit has a spiritual cattle prod to quicken me. I need to be reminded many times of just who I am, and Who I belong to. I pray the passion and fire burn always within me. I won’t settle for the dry places; I desire the springs. I want all that God has for me.
Can you identify? Has there been times when it’s hard to see the Truth, who you are in Christ? Have you struggled with insecurity like me?
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