Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Word for You

I shared about changes, new opportunities that have come in my life recently. God continues to surprise me. He’s good about that isn’t He? 

Saturday was my last Ladies meeting as a leader. I had to step down because of new responsibilities that will take more of my time and energy. I’m sad to leave, mostly because I will miss the closeness of our group. 

But God, (I love this phrase), blessed me this week unexpectedly when my neighbor ambled over and invited me to a Bible study. It totally took me by surprise. I said yes of course. 

I really didn’t know what to expect. To be honest, I’ve never been a part of a Bible study full of strangers so to speak. Well, it was lovely. The women were a bit older than I, but there were a few my age. They were hungry for God and to learn from His Word. I loved my time with them and can’t wait for next week.

I received a confirmation there. I have been contemplating doing something for my last meeting with my ladies. I remember in Junior High School when a Life Skills teacher had each of us write something nice about a fellow classmate on a paper that had her name on top. I still have mine in a box. It meant the world to read gracious words written about me when I was a insecure mess of a teenager. 

The ladies at my Bible study shared how at a retreat they did the same thing and it was such a blessing to every woman. I knew then that I had to do this. 

It was a blessing to my ladies and to me. Gracious words shared filled our hearts. On those days when I’m feeling low, wretched, and out of sorts, I will open up this paper and read their kind words. These words will reaffirm that I am special and loved. I need to hear that now and then, don’t you? There is a powerful verse about words in Proverbs 18:21

“The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat it’s fruit.”

The power of life and death...Wow! There are so many words we hear from day to day. Some not so good. Harassing messages from our past rise up ugly heads and hiss in our ears. Messages from the media that tell us we aren’t enough, we aren’t pretty enough, aren’t skinny enough, not talented enough, etc... Perhaps someone told you one time you were stupid, ugly, that you’d never amount to anything. 

These words have the power of death. If we listen and allow them to penetrate our hearts, they will certainly bring death to our spirits. 

But gracious words bring life to my spirit. The words I read on my paper are beautiful words. They tell me I am loved, I have made an impact, I am special. 

If God wrote on a paper with your name on top, what would He write? How does He feel about you? He’s already told you in His Word. 

He would write, “You are my daughter, my child. I have given you life, freedom, joy and peace. I have made you a new creature. I have transformed you. I have done my work in you and prepared you for good works. Now rest in Me. Know I am enough. I fill your emptiness. I make you sparkle. Now share what I have given you. Be the confident woman I made you to be. I love you my child. I held nothing back for you. I’ve lavished my grace upon you. I am with you and in you. You can do all things because of me.”

His Word has the power of life in it. Are you feeling wretched, low and out of sorts? Open His Word and read His thoughts for you. The Word will transform your mind, it is powerful. It is the Truth. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

A New Door

Hello my blogging friends. I hope you have been doing well. I wanted to share some changes happening to me here of late. When I started blogging a year ago I wrote about a life shift. It was a difficult time and I shared God’s faithfulness through this season. I’ve enjoyed encouraging you this past year. I appreciate your comments. It helps to know what I’ve wrote has made an impact. 

Now I’m going through another new door. I’m teaching an adult Sunday School class and it requires more Bible study, and more time. Therefore I need to cut back on my blogging. I won’t be blogging as much. I hope you will check in now and then. Whenever I can, I will post something. If you enjoy my pictures, I will post them regularly. 

This new opportunity of teaching is something I didn’t plan on and I don’t feel particularly ready, but God is faithful and I know He will equip me. He will bless what I offer Him. 

What about you? Is there a new door of opportunity open in front of you? Are you hesitating walking through it? Can I encourage you today? He prepared you for this moment. He equips those He calls. We probably never feel “ready”. It just makes us depend on Jesus more. When we lean on Jesus that’s when He shows up and works through us mightily. Go ahead and walk through that door. You will do great things for God. You have a testimony to share. 

I know you will do fine. Ministry isn’t always easy. Anytime you deal with people, there will be issues arise. Read 1 Corinthians and you’ll see what Paul was up against. Keep focused on Jesus and don’t worry about what people do or don’t do. They may not like you or your style, but you keep going after Jesus. He will sort all that stuff out. 

I pray that He uses you powerfully in your new opportunity. That you lean on Him harder and that you grow stronger in your walk of faith. If you think of me, please pray for me. I feel weak sometimes and just not up to the task. I’m sure you can identify. In reality, that’s just where God wants us right? I’m not confident in myself; in Jesus I can do all things. 

Bless you sweet friends. I appreciate you so much. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

That Will Fix Them!

“I will destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation.” But Moses sought the favor of the Lord.  Exodus 32:10

Considering what the Israelites did while Moses was on Mount Sinai I would think Moses would surely be justified in taking God up on His word. After all Aaron had them take off their earrings the Egyptians gave them, melted them down, fashioned an cow and then announced “This is your god who brought you up out of Egypt.” 

What were these people thinking? How could they so easily turn from the Great I Am to a cow? What foolishness! So yes, Moses was justified letting God destroy these faithless people. They deserve it. He didn’t turn away from God. Let him be the favored one. 

You know in the Body of Christ sometimes we tend to pile on when people fall in their walk with Jesus. We jump in to throw a punch or kick them when they are down. We talk about them on social media. They deserve it. Let God pour down His judgement on them. 

Then we stand proud; after all we never sinned like that. We never failed God like they did.

Moses prayed for his people. He prayed powerfully for God to forgive them, to restrain His hand. And God did. Moses didn’t give in to pride. Perhaps he was mindful of his past. After all he did kill an Egyptian. He lived in the wilderness for years, unknown and forgotten. Until God called him. 

I wonder if we should pray for the fallen ones? Pray for God to restore them and heal them. Maybe even reach out a loving hand. Somehow I believe this is more effective than thinking “That’ll fix them.” 

After all I’m sure we can look back and remember the dark, deep place we were in when God reached down and brought us out of darkness into His wonderful light. 

Before we pile on, let’s remain humble and pray powerfully for the fallen ones. 

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