Sunday, June 4, 2017

False Impressions

False idea formed in the mind that is based on mistaken ideas. Not genuine or real. Intended to be misleading or deceptive. 

“Don’t go into that department, the women there aren’t very friendly and they don’t want to be bothered.” 

These words were spoken to my friend from her boss. She was told these women were chilly and hateful. So she believed this and stayed away. If she had to venture into this department, she approached reluctantly, expecting the worst.

Slowly over time, she began to spend a little more time with these women as she did her job in that area. A discovery was made that changed her perspective. These women were not chilly and hateful. As a matter of fact, they were rather nice. Friendly and approachable. Nothing at all like she was told. And so a relationship was formed.

False impressions can be damaging. It keeps us from potential friendships or relationships. And it’s all based on lies. We believe a lie about somebody and then keep them at arms length.

We never explore the truth about them. But if we dare to do so, usually we find out that we were mislead. 

So what is your impression about God? How do you feel about Him? Is it based on what you have been told? Has it been shaped from your circumstances? From what someone posted on Facebook, or what the media portrays? 

Did you ever consider that you may be pushing Him away because of false impressions? We do have an enemy of our souls. And our enemy hisses lies into our ears coaxing us to doubt God.

“He can’t be trusted.” 
“He doesn’t care about you.” 
“He will strike you down.” 
“You’re not good enough for Him”
“You messed up your life too much” 
“You’re not worth the trouble.” 
“There’s no hope for anything better.”
“This is as good as it will get.”

And so on and so forth. I’ve heard it all myself. And yes I believed some of those lies too. 

Just like my friend who stayed away from the “hateful” women, I have pushed God away. I have doubted Him. I believed lies about myself. 

These are false impressions, a deception from the pit of hell to keep you and me from knowing, really knowing God. Because when you really know Him, it changes everything. The blinders are removed from your eyes and your whole perspective changes. 

To know Him personally is liberating. It is freedom. Otherwise you are walking around believing a lie. Robbed of the most important relationship you will ever have. 

The truth is that you were created to have a relationship with God. And nothing or nobody will ever be sufficient. The aching and emptiness remains. And so we attempt to fill it anyway we can. And still we yearn. 

He’s standing at the door of your heart, knocking. He has a place for you at His table. Sweet communion awaits you. Don’t push Him away because of your false impressions. 

I guarantee that you will never regret giving your heart to Him. 

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