When life throws you an ugly curve, and your life changes dramatically, you start to question your purpose. You’re tempted to question God. You wonder about tomorrow.
“I was doing well in this vocation, this ministry. What happens to the God given dreams now? Where do I go from here? Are all the doors of opportunity closed for good? Will I be stuck here the rest of my life?”
Or, “Have I let God down? Will I ever rise from this? Am I still valuable?”
I’ve struggled with these feelings sometimes. I’ve floundered at times. My confidence has been shaken.
I remember the ones in the Bible who experienced this. Moses, who was cast away in the wilderness, supposedly to be never heard from again. David, who was constantly on the run, living in caves. Elijah, hiding out in a cave, bowed down in depression. Jonah, in the belly of a whale in the bottom of the ocean. Peter, back in the boat fishing, convinced he is a complete failure.
And yes, Joseph. You had to know I was getting to him right?
When you read their stories, it encourages and builds your faith so much. Because you find out that what looked to be the “end” only was a stepping stone to a greater ministry. It ended up to be a spiritual promotion.
God wasn’t done with them yet. He had greater plans for them. In fact, it was way beyond their imaginations wasn’t it? It went far deeper than they expected.
Because you see, spiritual promotion is far different than worldly promotion. It takes you deeper than you ever been. It pulls you closer to the Father’s heart. It tenderizes your heart. Your spiritual perception is clearer. Your spiritual appetite is more acute.
In other words, He has your heart now like He didn’t before.
Deep intense work like this involves you letting go. You need to rest in His hands and learn from Him. Like the Potter and the clay. The clay on the spinning wheel rests in the Potter’s hand as He molds and forms the yielding clay into something beautiful.
The clay doesn’t rise up and ask the Potter, “what are you doing? And why are you doing it this way?”
Beloved, please know that the Potter knows the plans He has for you. He can and will make something beautiful of you. You are valuable to Him. This season you are in now is only a preparation for what is to come. Your character is being formed now. Because of your trust, you will be a powerful vessel in His hands.
Nothing can sway His intentions for you. Joseph himself said this to his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
He is entrusting others to you. There are needy lives you will touch and point to Jesus. Do you understand why this deep inner work is so needed?
I am realizing this in my life as well. God gives me glimpses sometimes to remind me of my purpose. I’m still a beautiful vessel in His hands.
Know beloved, that you are valuable and beautiful to Him. You will testify to His goodness and faithfulness. The ones you touch will too.
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