There are two women in the Christmas story that inspire me so much. Elizabeth and Mary. Elizabeth was actually a relative of Mary’s. Of course we are all familiar with Mary’s story, a teenager chosen to bear God’s own Son.
Elizabeth was an older woman who was childless. But just like Sarah of old, God did a miracle in her life and she became pregnant.
You could say a Holy Ghost meeting happened when these two met. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped within her and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. And in response Mary spoke beautiful words of praise for her God. It had to be amazing just to witness it.
Elizabeth said something to Mary that has become a special verse to me. “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her”.
I had the privilege of meeting a well known author who wrote this verse along with his autograph. I’ve loved it ever since. What a beautiful verse for all of us who have or are struggling to believe when it’s difficult.
I want to give a shout out to all of you today.
To those who have stood true and did not turn aside when they asked, “Where is your God now?” They tried to discourage you and feed you negative poison. But you stood firm in your faith.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to you.
To those who “encouraged yourself in the Lord” with pain in your hearts and tears flowing. You are hurting, but your God surrounds you and holds you tighter.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to you.
To those who kept seeking His face instead of giving in to fear and despair when nothing makes any sense and you don’t have any answers.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to you.
To those who kept praying when the prayer isn’t quickly answered or didn’t happen the way you expected it to. Simply because you “considered HIm faithful who had made the promise”.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promise to you.
To those who said “Your will be done in my life” when you don’t understand the how, when and what. And you sure don’t understand why He would choose you in the first place.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promise to you.
To those who had to give up and let go in sweet surrender. When every cell in your body wants to take over and do it your way. You answered the call of the Shepherd and allowed Him to lead.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promise to you.
To those who felt the “peace that passeth understanding” deep within, when the storm rages and the wind howls in your face. You stood on the Rock and remained unshaken.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promise to you.
To those who when people say “you are so strong”, smile in response and know it’s only because He is your strength that you left the house today.
Blessed are you who have believed that the Lord would fulfill His promise to you.
Now you know why I love this verse so much. I’ve been all of these and I’m sure you have too.
Because of our Savior who was born, we have a Everlasting hope. Life can be hard. I honestly don’t know how people plod along without knowing Jesus.
Don’t take this for granted. In fact share it with those around you whose heads are bowed low. What a special, blessed gift we’ve been given: Jesus.
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