Saturday, June 29, 2019
Rotting Flesh
"What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of sin?" Romans 7:24
This corrupting carcass chained to me is slowly saturating my soul till it dominates and eventually kills me.
I cannot save myself from it. I am a wretched person.
Such is the fate of condemned murderers in Roman society. The murdered victim is chained to the back of the murderer. The rotting flesh eventually overwhelms the person carrying it around. Even infecting them. A rather gruesome picture isn't it?
This body of sin was chained to me. My Jesus unchained me and set me free from this rotting, corrupting carcass. "Therefore there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!"
Yet what if I walked around like I was still chained? Still cowered under the imaginary weight? Influenced and enslaved to this dead body even though it exists no more?
What kind of life is this?
Initially I was saved by faith by Christ's work on the cross. Declared righteous before God. I already have His favor. I stand securely in His grace.
So does God do a bait and switch on me now? Now after the initial salvation, do I have to earn His favor? Do I grow in faith by rule keeping?
Is this how you want me to live? Constant struggles, wrestlings and strivings of the flesh? "My yoke is easy and my burden light." Matthew 11:28-30
I am no longer enslaved to the body of sin, the flesh. Yet, there is a war between my spirit and flesh. It will continue till I die.
Nevertheless, I have a new nature. I have God's spirit residing within. His power at work in my life.
Through Him I.....
have life, I know the truth
I am justified
I am more than a conqueror
I have access to the Father
I have strength
I am reconciled to God perfectly
the powers and authorities are disarmed, completely defeated!
I offer sacrifices of praise to the One I adore.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Close as my breath
The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the Word of faith we are proclaiming. Romans 10:9
Do I feel so far from Him? Perhaps from neglect, or distractions?
He is as close as a breath-a whispered prayer. He is there, at the ready.
I make it so hard sometimes. I'm too hard on myself sometimes. I can close myself away rather easily.
Yet He is so near. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you. Jeremiah 29:13
He longs for me. Desires me with an everlasting love. He left the ninety nine to search out the lost one. He ran to meet the prodigal son.
Just a word of faith, a confession that I need Him so badly. An invitation to come, is all that is needed.
I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief. Mark 9:24
Sometimes I need the Spirit's help to even pray. I don't have the strength, or I lack sufficient words to express. My faith rises above it all, and I touch Him. His presence is the breath of fresh air breaking up the stale air.
So when you are feeling far from God, and are having a lonesome day, take a deep breath and remind yourself,
"God is only a breath away"
He's only a breath away
Louvenia Duncan
Friday, June 14, 2019
Drive the car
A kid is given the keys to a Cadillac on his eighth birthday. "Here you go son, now go drive it downtown!"
Rather absurd isn't it? A eight year old kid is in no way capable of driving.
But let's say he's given a superpower to drive it. And like Mario Andretti! People are just blown away by this kids awesome driving ability.
The kid's head gets inflated. He flashes this gift all over. Struts around like he owns it. He eagerly takes in the worship and adoration.
Take away the superpower though and you get what you eight year old kid.
I am that kid. I've been entrusted with gifts. Supernatural gifts. Empowered by the Spirit of God.
Me? Fallen, weak, imperfect, unable, prone to pride, prone to false humility...and so on and so forth. Given these gifts?? Entrusted by Almighty God? Crazy isn't it?
God what are you thinking? Why me? Yet...He knows what He's doing. He's the potter and I am the clay. Who am I to question His purpose?
These gifts are to serve and build others up. Draw unbelievers to Christ.
How foolish it would be to get a big head about this. Yet neither am I to disqualify myself. "What if I fail?" "What if I do get prideful about it?"
Silly questions in the light of day, yet I sometimes falter, hesitate when it comes to getting behind the wheel. Instead of driving the car and just enjoying the ride, going where He leads me; I won't even open the door.
The One who gave me the gifts, equips me to use it. He is able to use me powerfully and effectively. His grace is sufficient for me.
He's in the car with me, will He allow me to crash? I think not! Sure I may mess it up. But His grace is so much more powerful. Even to overcome my failings.
Beloved, just get in the car, and drive it. He just wants a willing messenger. He will handle the rest.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7
#notesalongthejourney #encouragement #soulsisters
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Plans and hopes
"I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ" Romans 15:29
I plan to do so...I hope to see you...I will go to Spain...
Paul had plans, hopes and dreams of going to Rome and eventually to Spain to further the gospel. He had no idea when he finally came to Rome it would be as a prisoner.
Trials, hardships, and shipwrecks lay ahead between his plans and reality.
"I know, I am sure." A bold statement. Yet, it's not a self confidence. It's a confidence in His God. It's based on the Divine promises. Past experiences of Divine faithfulness and imparted Grace.
Yet in spite of his plans being thwarted, hopes seemingly dashed, God used him more powerfully. His ministry more effective, reaching more.
Four Epistles of the Bible were written as a prisoner in Rome.
Two years he was free and believed to have gone to Spain after all.
"He proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ-with all boldness and without hindrance." Acts 28:31
"Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God." Carey
I've had dreams that didn't turn out quite the way I planned, but ended up much better, because God placed me where I can be more effectual and more powerful in ministry.
I have dreams and plans for the immediate future. I place those precious things in His hands, stand back and watch Him work.
I've seen what He can do. I've stood in wonder at the work of His hands. But just like the boy with his lunch, I have to place it in His hands. He will take it, bless it and feed hungry hearts.
So dear one, go attempt great things for God. But also allow room for Him to do His work. Follow His leading. After all, He sees way ahead of you and knows what you don't know.
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